
Showing posts from June, 2024

Interstate Degrowth Exploration and Advocacy

Massachusetts Peace Action is hosting a webinar by Juliet B. Schor 7pm EST on Thursday, December 5: "Five steps to a sustainable and peaceable economy". To register, click on the link: . Our current economic system is based on endless growth, despite the climate and human costs. Dr Schor will present some steps we can take to shift to a more just and environmentally sustainable economy. Juliet B. Schor is an American economist and Sociology Professor at Boston College. She has studied trends in working time, consumerism, the relationship between work and family, women's issues and economic inequality, and concerns about climate change in the environment. Books include "The Overspent American", "The Overworked American", "After the Gig", "Born to Buy". 1. WHO ARE WE?    2. WHAT IS DEGROWTH?   3. WHY DEGROWTH? 1. WHO ARE W